
I Really Flopped on this one

Well, Thursday night was the night I was to tell the story of Rick being Rodeo Clown. Earlier this week I realized that the story was simply not coming together. I wasn't going to meet the 5-7 minute time limit, and no matter how I practiced it, it was not good. So, at the meeting I backed out. Told the MC that I the 'speech' simply didn't come together. I wasn't the only one, by the way.

But, upon realizing that with a few of us backing out left only 2 speakers, we were convinced to give it a go. Knowing that I would go over the allotted time meant I wasn't eligible to win the contest, and warning the group that no matter how much I worked on this story it didn't feel right, I did it.

Ok, I say I flopped, but in reality it was a good story. Just didn't meet the requirements for the contest. Those in attendance enjoyed it and encouraged me to participate next year.

So, I tried. I don't like to flop/fail/not do well, but it was a good experience. I don't do comedy, nor do I have much experience storytelling - so this was a good night for me to learn from.

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